Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Wow, this last week has been an eye opener. I have truly been inspired.....

On Sunday I took part in the iThemba Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. I got up early, dragged my butt, along with my sisters, out of bed and tootled off to Marks Park to show my support for those who continue to fight this terrible disease and those who are searching feverishly for a cure. I was most concerned about finding something pink to wear, but it seemed my shocking pink scarf and white and pink striped cotton underwear would have to suffice. Needless to say, I was underdressed! I loved the guys in their tutu's, crazy pink wigs, girls in top hats, dogs with bows and ribbons ( I want my own dog to walk) and kids showing their enthusiasm and stamina...much more than mine! What inspired me most were the young ladies who walked on crutches, due to missing fit or severe disabilities. A whole 5km's on crutches!!??? There are no words to describe such courage. I was in such awe. And I was in awe at the fact that I walked 5km's and it felt great!

Which left me wondering why I was not doing this more often. Why had I become so lazy, so unfit and uninspired? This has got to change.

So, Sunday night I drew up a schedule and decided right there and then, I was going to make more of an effort. Monday morning I got up early and went to gym to do my cardio workout for 40 minutes and Monday night I went to my Pilates class. This morning, I got up early again. And it feels great! If I had to be honest, all those excuses of no time and I hate waking up early, what a load of bollocks! It's about making a decision to do it, and yes, just doing it! Getting up in the morning, with such fantastic weather, as we have here in South Africa is easy. Getting to the gym is easy, getting on the treadmill is easy, doing the workout is...ja, you thought I would say easy, but that part is not, and it shouldn't be.

I've been inspired, by the countless number of women who I read about in the Shape magazine each month. How much weight they have lost, often in very short spaces of time, all because they demonstrated such courage and determination. There are many people who suggest that we should be happy with what we have, and I think if a larger women is happy with her weight, all power to her, but I'm not happy.....particularily when I used to be in such great shape! Not cool...and how did I get here, so fast, without thought or consideration? Once a Dolphin, flip- now a whale!!! Bliksem.

It's about time I dealt with my weighty issues once and for all and now I have no excuse and I will be held accountable: By you ofcourse:0) And if Kelly Osbourne and Jennifer Hudson can do it...why the heck can't I? Inspired.

I weight patiently for the results.

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